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Donate to the
Discovery Garden


Tax-deductible contributions and donations may be made to Discovery Garden through The Skills Foundation.


Donations help us improve and maintain the Discovery Garden and make it a place for community members to spend time with friends and family, to gather and take photos for special occasions, or to simply quietly enjoy nature in its splendor. Recent donations have allowed us to add a rain garden and a custom interactive kaleidoscope to the garden for visitors to enjoy! 


Additionally, the Discovery Garden provides therapeutic programming for people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities and those recovering from mental health challenges. These individuals benefit deeply from this program, learning how to care for plants and enjoying their time spent in the garden.


Please support the Discovery Garden today through our secure, online form.


Prefer traditional mail? Send checks made out to The Skills Foundation to our corporate office at 341 Science Park Road, Suite 6, State College, PA 16866.

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